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© SouthEast Beagle Rescue Inc. 2025
7300 SW 155th St
Dunnellon, FL 34432
(855) 422-3245
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Major's Web Page

Beagle  : :  Male (neutered)  : :  Adult

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About Major

  • Status: Adopted!
  • Adoption Fee: $250.00
  • Species: Dog
  • General Color: Tricolor (Tan/Brown & Black & White)
  • Current Size: 33.4 Pounds
  • Current Age: 5 Years 8 Months (best estimate)
  • Microchipped: Yes
  • Housetrained: Yes

Major - or Major Dude as his foster dad has nicknamed him, is in a North Carolina foster home but will be coming to Florida on Saturday 8/10. He's been in foster for just a little over a month now and here's what his foster family has observed about him. He's a happy, friendly dog and quickly made friends with the four dogs he lives with. He's been a gentleman in the house and, although they started him with crate training, he has now earned their trust and can be left at home alone out of the crate. At meal time he is patient and knows he eats at a specific location. Major has also done very well with house training and will now let his humans know when he needs to go outside by trotting to the door and giving some low whines. He's a very social dog, preferring to be anywhere the humans are in the house. He loves going for walks with another dog and is pretty good on leash. If he's able to run in a fenced area, he can really get his zoomies on! Major seems quite placid about encounters with squirrels and the neighbors' chickens - he really pays no attention to them. Although he hasn't been introduced to a cat, there's a good possibility he may be okay with them.He tolerates bath time, but especially likes the towel drying and cuddles. Major does enjoy his back and butt rubs! He is heartworm negative but does need to be neutered. He will be ready for a sleepover by mid-August.

More about Major

Good with Dogs

Video of Major:

Other Pictures of Major (click to see larger version):

Major Major Major Major
Major Major Major Major
Major Major